Monday 29 October 2012

Bird Watch

So today we attempted a bit more pitfall trap analysis which turned into a bit of a waste of time as it had rained so much our bugs were still swimming around on the top of the water. I decided to take pictures of the local bird life whilst this was going on. I have to may dead insects really aren't my thing. We then had a couple of hours where the girls worked on their presentations which I had already done so I started to plan the rest of my travels. I am going to have a big list of people to thank by the end of this trip. After a spot of lunch we headed out to do a bit of erosion control before calling it a day.  This evening I popped up to have a couple of drinks at Rachel and Liam's house with their friends and which was a nice end to the day.

Village Weaver.

The Mocking Chat that lives in the nest in the roof of the veranda.

The Mocking Chat again.

Once more for luck.

Pretty tree.

Two Doves.

A Red Bishop.

No, honestly, this is what this little bird is called.

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