Saturday 27 October 2012

Easy Saturday

Today was another lazy Saturday as the weather here is still a bit over-cast so Carolynne drove us over to Thokozisa, the art and craft place in Winterton as Nish and Lizzy had not been yet. I took myself off  to the restaurant and ordered a milkshake, followed by a coffee as I started to plan the various places I should visit on my travels. On the way there and back we all had our camera's at the ready to take some more bird pictures, however, I got a bit carried away with the Impala again.

Tonight, Nish and I made a very nice vegetable, tomato pasta dish. We needed to use some of the veg we have as there is absolutely tons of it. Courgette, pepper, green beans, carrot, onion, chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, herbs, stock and a bit of worcestershire sauce, add in the pasta and a bit of grated cheese and viola, one very nice veggie dish.

 A White Fronted Bee-Eater.

Stripped Skink.

Village Weaver.


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