Tuesday 23 October 2012

Sun After The Storm (Monday 22Oct12)

The sun came out at last today. Just as well because I was walking round both parts of the reserve all day. Not that I am complaining, it was so nice to be outside again after the stormy weekend. To make it even better we had a Giraffe in the garden this morning which was a lovely suprise. I love to sit outside on the veranda in the morning and watch while the the mist clears away from the mountains.

First task was a quick trip to Mr Spike's borrow to pick up the camera trap. I say quick because Michael had me practically running up and around the mountain side and straight back down again within an hour. No rest for the wicked! Musa kept an eye on me bless him. To my disappointment it seems that Spike is no longer using the borrow we lovingly made for him. We will check the camera trap pictures tomorrow and see for sure. Once we were back Liam took Lizzy, Nish, Bridie and I over to the other part of the reserve where Leopards Gorge is. It may not be full of animals but I love this part of the reserve. I will let the photo's explain why.

When we got back to the house the smell of Fiona's vegetable stew filled the kitchen.

This morning suprise visitor.

Watching the clouds clear off the mountains from the veranda.

This is my favourite tree in the garden.

More views from the veranda.

Mr Spike's borrow that he isn't using!



This is the other part of the reserve.


Prickly Pear flowers.

A larvae of some kind.

A cow! I think he got a bit lost!

Liam showing us how to make rope from an acacia tree.

He's still there!

Another shongololol.

Wild Star Jasmine. My favourite flower on the reserve.



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