Monday 1 October 2012

Carnivore Bait Trapping

Back to work today, however, nothing like the office I have to say. The view is much better (sorry Pedders!). However, I have to say that my bum and my back ached today from horse riding. Climbing in and out of the truck was an effort today.

This morning we went to collect the pitafall traps that we set up lat Thursday. Although we were supposed to be collecting ants we got dead frogs and spiders as well. We put the contents of the cups into a large glass jar and to be honest it looked horrible. Thankfully I managed to get out of sifting through the slime this afternoon by working on my presentation to the school about Rhino's.

Our next task was Carnivore Bait Trapping. Across the reserve there are sandpits which are used to capture carnivore tracks. In particular we are looking for Jackal paw prints. What we did was to clear out the grass from these sixteen sites, rake them over, put down a piece of wors (South African sausage) and covered it with a rock. We then laid a track of egg, milk, yeast and water mix from the road sides to the meat. I'm not sure what was worse, the smell of the wors or the egg mix thing! It took a lot for Vukani to give up the rake bless him!

We also checked out the veggie patch and took out the stuff that was ready to eat. We put some of the broad beans and mange tout in the chilli I made with Leanne's help. I think I made it a bit too spicy for Christina and Nicole though. Oops!

So it turns out that Giraffe's sit down. Takes them a while to get up though.

For how big these animals are it's amazing how they just appear out of nowhere.

Cutting of the Wors for the Carnivore Bait Trapping exercise.

I won't tell you what the girls said it looked like.

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