Saturday 20 October 2012

Rain, Rain and More Rain

Today the heavens opened and it hasn't stopped all day. I did pop up to have a coffee with Rachel for a bit and we ended up looking at wedding dresses so she could get ideas for her big day. I am really excited for them both. It was really nice as well to do something proper girlie. Once Liam got back from picking his sister, Bridie, up from the airport we all wondered back up for a braai at Rachel's and Liam's. If I had been brave enough I would have taken pictures of the horrendous thunderstorm that was taking place whilst we had our braai. Maybe next time! At one point the thunder was right above us and I could feel the ground shake! The lightning once again lit up the sky again and again. Eventually, Lizzy, Nish and I braved the weather and walked back to the house. When we got back the power was out, luckily I just had to flip the trip switch!



and more rain!

Aww Tiny.

She's almost as cute as Honey!

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