Monday 15 October 2012

Mr Spike's Return

Today we had to collect the data on our aardvark camera traps, however, before we set off a familiar warthog re-appeared in the garden. If only some of us had put bets on it. Liam left Mr Spike in his new home at 7:30pm yesterday. At 8:30am he was already back!
As Liam had to take Spike back to his new home we were allowed to set off and collect the camera trap data on our own. The GPS device turned into a Sat Nav though and was completely tripping out on us, but we did okay. The trip up the mountain side nearly killed us and we were sweating a lot. Liam met us at the fifth one, although what we didn't realise is that he had been following us for 5 minutes already. I'm not sure that us not noticing was a good thing!
After looking through the camera images we all stopped for a well deserved lunch before heading back out in the truck to the other part of the reserve to pick up our Leopard camera trap. Although we had only just cooled off I really enjoyed climbing up the gorge. Unfortunately we didn't get any video footage of the Leopard, but we did get lots of Kudu and a Porcupine or two.
Tonight was the girls leaving braai. We had a fab night with Rachel, Liam, Carolynn, Vukani and Michael. Even Tiny joined in. Going to miss the girls when they go on Wednesday. Vukani had to go to bed early after too many beers and a lot of food. I was acting as "Feeder" tonight as the poor guy hadn't been very well. I have to say thank you to Liam once again for doing an excellent braai. Thank you to Rachel for the lovely pasta dish and salad. Thanks to Carolynn for the roast potatoes. Thanks to everyone who came along and made tonight special. It was a fab night.

Mr Spike is back............

......13 hours after Liam left him in his new home.

That's how far up the mountain we were. You can see the house below us.

Christina holding a locust that we found on our travels.
When they fly they actually look really pretty. I have to admit I didn't take this picture.

This is the one horned hartebeest called Pondo that Liam was telling us about. Apparently he is quite an old man now and where he has lost his horn, it gets infected with maggots every year, but he is still going.
There are the pictures of the braai.
Christina, Vukani, Leanne, Michael, Nicole, Liam and Rachel.

All the same except Rachel and I swapped!

Liam and Michael having a man to man conversation.

Finally! We wake Carolynn from her two hour nap and the paparazzi go wild.

Yeah, she's not impressed with us. But she does make us roast potatoes.

Now Vukani has joined in the male conversation. Michael still manages to pose for the camera.

Christina, Nicole, Leanne and me.

Even Tiny joins in.

Me and Rachel. I do love Rachel's dress.

So I decided to interrupt the conversation.

Followed my Rachel.

The girls.

Rachel and I by the braai.

Aww! The newly engaged couple.

The boys being silly.

Nicole joining in.

Big cuddle with Carolynn.

She loves us really!

Vukani, Me and Carolynn.

Michael, Vukani, Me and Carolynn.

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