Wednesday 10 October 2012

Mr Spike's New Home

Today we built Spike's new home. For those of you that haven't read all my blog Spike is the Warthog that Liam and Rachel saved earlier this year. He was found as a baby on a farm not far from here, covered in mud after some severe weather, his mother nowhere to be seen. He is now over seven months old and strong enough to survive on his own.

Liam has found a nice spot on the reserve which Spike has never been to and has a large mud mound which today we dug into and made an L shaped borrow. I enjoyed today as I got to play with a pick axe and spade. We also set up Liam's tent as he will be staying with Spike for the first couple of nights.

We had a chill in the afternoon as we finished a bit earlier and then joined the staff run so that we could get some more supplies of Coke, Sprite, chocolate and biscuits. Once back Christina and I made a mean cottage pie and Nicole put on Lock Stock.

Leanne shifting some soil.

Notice Vukani and Liam over-seeing the building site!

Vukani decided to take over. I think we were going too slow for him.

Knee deep so far!

Vukani testing out Spike's bedroom.

We just wanted to have our picture taken.

I had fun with the pick axe.

That's Nicole demonstrating the bedroom view.

Leanne not quite sure what to make of my favourite tool.

With the roof trusses on.

The entrance to Spike's new pad.

Looks as though we were never there after putting the soil back on top.
Let's hope Mr Spike likes it after all our hard work.

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