Saturday 27 October 2012

Weekend At Last (Friday 26Oct12)

Today we did more alien plant control. One bush knife, a lot of sweat and several dead bramble bushes later we headed back to the house. There is something quite satisfying about killing nasty plants. Vukani, once again put us all to shame with his bush knife skills, he only needs to take three swings to my nine. While Nish and Lizzy had their Poo Lecture I decided to give myself the task of adding some more fencing to the vegetable patch. I used the branches that Musa and I had cut down a few days before and Vukani came out to help me buy cutting down some more branches whilst I placed them round the veggie patch mesh.

After lunch the girls went off to collect some poo so they could do some scat analysis. Again, I decided that it would be more fun to go off and collect some more branches for the veggie patch fence with Vukani. Without transport we kind of failed that task as there was nothing else close by that we could use so Vukani suggested we did some more alien plant control. We went in search of Bush Weed which involved trekking up a couple of mountain at Vukani's speed. If I was to stop eating chocolate I think I would loose a lot weight here! Anyway, it was fab walking around with Vukani. I really like listening to what he thinks about life and South African politics. It was interesting talking to him about Apartheid, especially as he remembers before and after the changes. He also has a really positive outlook on life considering his back ground. I will miss both Vukani and Michael when I leave here. I have a lot of respect for them both.

After a nice dinner of sausage and mash Nish, Michael and I popped up to Liam and Rachel's for a few drinks to celebrate the fact that it was a weekend.

Carolynne getting ready for a bit of bramble action.

Just add water. Liam's mate John arrives with a present from the USA army.

Tiny chillin'.

Rachel, Liam, Bridie, John, Nish and Michael.

Princess Tiny.

Nish and Michael.

Rachel and Liam.

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