Monday 8 October 2012

Lumber Jacks

So before we had even got out to the field this morning Liam had fixed the Internet for us and caught one of the rats with his bare hands. No really, the rat was sitting next to one of the traps too full of bread and peanut butter to move! The audacity of it!! We also released the house snake Michael caught yesterday under the floor boards of the house in the hope that it will kill some more rats, and being as he is harmless I am quite happy with that.

Our first task was to set up some Aardvark camera traps. Even though we still had to climb half way up a mountain to set one we still managed to get all nine cameras set up before lunch. We were all quite chuffed with ourselves as we were back an hour and a half before we were expected. We are brilliant volunteers!

There was a bit of fun over lunch while Leanne and Nicole tried to hang the washing on the broken clothes horse. For the first day today it wasn't hot or sunny enough to put the washing out which made working a lot easier.

After lunch we had collected up some hay to take to some of the "corrosion sites". Liam then took us off to one of the hills, gave us machetes (bush knives) and gave us a quick demonstration on cutting down a tree with them. Then said he would be back to help out in a bit. Honestly, we all thought it was a wind up but oh no. Seriously, no chainsaw! We hacked down a tree with our own muscle (well and Liam's) in forty minutes. Unfortunately I left my camera in the truck so I have said we need to do another one to prove we did it. There were only two casualties, the tree and my big toe nail.

After the excitement of being really primitive we then came back for a lecture on birds. Poor Carolynn always gets the rough end of the stick with us and we had to be told to focus a few times. I am still struggling to get to know the birds so Leanne has been testing me tonight.

Tonight's gourmet dinner was lovingly prepared by Leanne and Nicole. To start we had beetroot chutney on toast, followed by homemade meatballs and pasta, and pudding was homemade apple pudding with ice-cream. Fabulous!

In with the hay!

Leanne and Nicole's apple pudding which was so good we couldn't wait until after dinner.

Meatballs. Notice that it is Nicole and Leanne with the kitchen tools.

Yum Yum!

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