Tuesday 2 October 2012

Ladysmith Town

So this morning we went out with Michael, one of the game guards, for the first time to track the Rhino. Spike did try to follow but Liam came and took him away. Bless him, I think he just wanted to go for a walk. We found the female and the male calf about half an hour into the tracking. Michael explained that we know which female it is because she has the hole in her right ear. We also noticed a massive gash above her left eye. Talking to Liam today he thinks it will have been the bull rhino as they tend to fight. Poor girl! After sitting with them for an hour we went to find the other two mother and calf. We trekked for quite a while and found them just as we needed to go back to the house which was a shame. Although the first two were just resting for the whole time. We learnt a couple of things about the rhino today though which can go in my presentation.

1. White rhino mothers have their calves walk in front of them. Black rhino have their calves walk behind them.

2. The Bull rhino always kicks his poo about to spread his scent.

After rhino tracking we went to Ladysmith and had some lunch at the Ginea fowl restaurant as per Michael's recommendation. I have to say it was lovely, even if I did just have a Greek salad. It was way too hot to eat, but I have to say Christina's burger did look amazing. And the milkshakes were out of this world. After that we went and did our fortnightly shop. It was great, not quite Sainsbury's but as everyone knows I do like a bit of supermarkets shopping. This place was aptly names pick and pay! Luckily I had the girls there or I would have spent more. Anyway, it was a good trip out and I really want to go back to the restaurant. Add to that we got some money back from our food allowance and all is good.

Tonight we have just chilled out, chatted to Liam about loads of stuff. Oh, congratulations to Rachel and Liam for getting engaged at the weekend.

Today's pictures are of our favourite foods so far on the trip.

Check out our extra thick milkshakes (Not my usual Byron Burger Oreo one), flavours as follows;
Horlicks (mine), Strawberry (Leanne's), Vanilla (Nicole's) and Lime (Christina's). And yes we all tried each others!

Now these are little gems. I always said that McVities Ginger Nuts could never be beaten. I may be wrong! (Mr Edwards might be a bit upset with that statement, sorry Gary)

A little bit of chocolate heaven!
Now these Mr Cadbury needs to be in the UK!
Yeah, healthy stuff is a bit boring. I'll take some pictures of the veggie garden another time.

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