Friday 12 October 2012

The 4x4 Experience (Carolynn Style)!

Although none of us were particularly looking forward to today, it all turned out to be quite a lot of fun. We were supposed to do a game count. After doing the first section I was wringing out my socks and my boots had puddles of water in them. Yes people it was raining again today. Teach me for moaning it was too hot too work in last week. So I will tell you the story of today in pictures. Because although we had to say goodbye to Spike today we did have a real giggle thanks to Carolynn.

So, the story goes like this, we started at 8am so that we could do a game drive count. After three of the sections we got to the next part which we start up on the mountain side. After dropping everyone off to start the count Carolynn had to turn the truck round and go back down to meet us at the bottom. After attempting to turn the truck round in a circle there was a call on the radio saying "Liam we have a problem". Yes people, the truck was slipping and sliding everywhere. Too much rain fall and Carolynn's 4x4 skills!

It doesn't look to bad, but the first set of rocks we put under the wheels just didn't do it. Carolynn is starting to get a bit of stick now.

Liam walks away to think about what the next "constructive" step is while we all giggle.

 Meanwhile, Carolynn gets down and dirty in the mud to add more rocks under the truck.

Check out our rocky road path!

After a lot of pushing the wheels eventually get onto the rocks.

But the truck moved side ways, so for a second third attempt we added bits of tree............

.............and more rocks. (By this point we are all pretty dirty due to a rather fun mud fight).

And then, the truck is free. This is all that is left of our shrine to Carolynn's driving skills.
Once back at the house and before our well needed showers it was time to say goodbye to Mr Spike.

Nicole blowing Spike a kiss before Liam comes to pick him up to take him to his new home that we built.

Leanne gets her last cuddle too. Liam will spend the weekend camping next to Spike's new home. However, there is a bet on as to how quickly Spike will make it back to the house, even though he will be on a completely different part of the reserve.
After showers and a change we decide to head off to our favourite restaurant in Ladysmith, Ginea Fowl. To do that we needed to fill up with fuel........

.........easily done, as Mike, the head Farm Manager, has diesel on site (Mike is the one to the left).

The sign that welcomes you to Ladysmith.

Christina, Nicole and Carolynn outside the Restaurant. Carolynn is good to us even though we rip her about her driving.

Me and Nicole.

Leanne and Christina.
We took a quick walk through Ladysmith to check the post box.

Check out Nicole's posing sign for "gun store".
So which box is UmPhafa's....................
....................well there is a lot to choose from!
I had to add this photo.
This is why you don't buy cheap toilet paper people.

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