Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Girl's Last Day

Today was the girls last working day on the reserve. Tomorrow Nicole, Leanne and Christina travel back to England leaving me behind. :-( Tomorrow, two new girls will arrive, both vegetarians so I will be the only meat eater in the house. Looks like I will be making my own dinners from now on all.

Today we did a "Road Count" with Carolynn and Vukani. I have to give credit when it's due, although I prayed to god before Carolynn drove up the mountain she actually did a really good job! Bless, she will kill me when she reads this. We did eight out of the nine sections so as not to disturb Spike. We saw some very pregnant Impala and Zebra and some baby Zebra's which were very cute. The top of the mountain is almost green again after being burnt off just before we came. We counted 49 Blesbok and 21 Zebra up on the top. It's looking really impressive. I also noticed that the Prickly Pear Cactus is starting to flower. We also saw the Rhino bull on our travels.

Liam was back by lunch with the two weekly shop and my malaria tablets. £2.50 for 40 tablets!!!!After a long lunch we headed back out with Liam to cut down another tree. I only have two blisters from this one. We thought we had a lot more chopping to do and then the tree creaked and fell down just after Liam had moved out the way. Lucky!! He had been taking the mickey out of Christina and Leanne's girlie chopping actions which all had us in stitches.

Tonight we popped out to do a night drive, the last one for the girls. :-( I had a play with my camera and managed to get a night shot of the Rhino. We also saw Jackal, Common Reedbuck, Impala, Zebra, Duiker and Mountain Reedbuck.

My first sighting of South Africa's Blue Crane.

The Zebra.

Quite under-stated these animals.

This is the tree we had to chop down with bush knives and machete's only,

Us starting.

Us finished. Note that a minute before it fell, Liam was standing right where it landed.

Quite impressive really.

The only Toyota Land Cruiser that Michael will get to drive once he has past his test.

Built in the 1790's apparently!

I do love my camera! This is the picture of the Rhino taken on the night drive.

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