Sunday 14 October 2012

Proper Chill Out Sunday

Today was a proper chill out day. Got up late, put our boots back out to dry as they where still wet this morning, chatted to Rachel and Carolynn for a bit and then took the truck to Aloe's to get some meat for the braai tomorrow night as the girls leave on Wednesday :-( We got some Kudu fillet, Venison burgers and Warthog sausages. Another trip to Fiji's for chocolate and drink supplies and then we were homeward bound again.

After lunch we decided to take a a trip down to the "Coffee Coloured Dam" as we call it. It's one of the reserves waterholes. As we approached we saw one of the Rhino mothers with her female calf, unfortunately they smelt us and ran off. I have to say they can really run for a big animal. Sadly we heard on the news today that another two rhino's were poached near Jo'burg. Humans really do have a lot to answer to and everyone here is seriously worried about the increase in Rhino poaching. They are an amazing animal to see it's really quite sad what humans do to the planet and it's animals. After an hour or so we headed home as all we saw were the busy, and very noisy Weaver birds. However, all was not lost as Leanne spotted two dung beetles working away. They were amazing to watch and I have read up on them since. Below makes interesting reading.

Nicole and Leanne were back into cooking mode again tonight, more cookies, home-made Chicken Kiev and another apple pudding ready for tomorrows braai.

Check out the dung beetles.

These things can roll dung 10 times it's own weight.
It lays it's larvae inside the dung.

The larvae eat the dung which is full of nutrients so that they can grow into beetles.
Quite cool creatures really.

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