Thursday 18 October 2012

A Sad Day

Today I did the airport run with Liam and said goodbye to the girls so today was a sad one. However, it was nice to see the beautiful countryside as when I did the journey to the reserve it was pitch black. I know that this country has it's political issue's but it really is a beautiful place. The rains have made everything look lush and green. We went through the Midlands Meander which is simply stunning, the pine tree plantations made me think of Canada. Another place I may have to visit on my travels!

We stopped have way for a trip into Howick, to see the falls there. I had a little play with my camera again. I think I am beginning to get the hang of it now as you will see with my photo's below. The one thing I didn't get any pictures of was the huge storm on the way back to Colenso from the airport. My fear of thunderstorms should be gone by the time I get back home. The fork lightning lit up the sky like it was day time and the rain came towards us in waves. Thank god Liam was driving!

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