Wednesday 31 October 2012

A Drive Through The Berg

Today I drove in south Africa for the first time. I hired myself a VW Polo and took myself off for the day into the Berg. Now, I was going to attempt a 5 hour walk to the Tugela Falls. Unfortunately, I never made it round due to a bit of vertigo and the fact that it was really cold and misty as I climbed to towards the peak. So I decided to drive through the Drakensberg for a bit instead. It was great to get out and a big thanks to Rachel and Liam for, one letting me have the day off, and two giving me a lift in to get the car. It was really nice to get out and about.

When I got back to the reserve I past a big group of Waterbuck on the rye field, I've never seen so many all together! After a cuppa and a shower I headed up to join in the fun at Liam and Rachel's.

My little hire, a VW Polo. Think my next car might be one of these. In that colour too.

On my walk to Tugela Falls.

Views of the berg.

The road that takes you to the start of the Tugela Falls 5 hour walk.

The view from the road.

This is the rock face I drove under.

Cathedral Peak

Back on the reserve and a big group of Waterbuck on the rye field greets me.

Impala stag. Love this picture!

Still loving the Lilly's.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Zebra Day

This morning Carolynne, Lizzy, Nish, Vukani and I went out to do a road count. However, some of the roads weren't easy to drive through thanks to the onslaught of the last ten days worth of rain so we did what we could and called it a day when Uncle Mike had to come and rescue us. We did manage to get some really good pictures of the Zebra though. My favourite Zebra had obviously been in a fight with one of the other stallions as he had a massive chunk out of his left flank. It looked pretty nasty. I hope he will be okay. The wound did not look good at all and there was a lot of dried blood.

After a bit of lunch we then headed out to do a bit more alien plant work which meant that I got to take down another tree with Vukani. Sadly, it will probably be my last one. As I leave in Friday.

This evening was a trip up to Rachel and Liam's house to mingle and sort out lift arrangements. Tomorrow, I pick up my hire car. Quite excited as I haven't driven for six weeks.

Pondo the one horned Red Hartebeest.


A Hoopoe.

The first of many Zebra photo's.

This is my favourite Zebra. He is the one that got hurt in a fight.

"What you looking at?"

Bum shot!


I think these are my favourite.

The truck stuck in the mud again!

Help is on hand......................

thanks to Uncle Mike.

Vukani by our tree stump.

One cut down tree.
The views from one of the hill tops on the reserve.