Sunday 18 November 2012

Walking With Lions (Tuesday 13Nov12)

I thought yesterday was completely magical and that nothing would compete but as I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30 this morning I would never have been able to comprehend my morning ahead. I was up early as I had booked my last experience in Victoria Falls, I was going to walk with Lions. I was a bit apprehensive about this after going to The Lion Park in Johannesburg which was totally and utterly a money making thing and the cubs seemed to be farmed. So I was pleasantly surprised when I got to the Lion Encounter inside the Victoria Falls National Park.

We had a briefing on how to behave around the lions cubs and that we would have a talk after the walk about the four step programme of re-introduction of the lion pride into the wild. After our briefing Sandas (our guide) we were given sticks which we were told was for our protection should the lions get too boisterous. As we walked along the dusty road to meet up with the cubs Sandas told us more about the programme and the cubs we were going to meet. I will use the term cubs very loosely as the first two we met were over a year old and their paws were huge, the male had started to get his mane. They were truly beautiful and before we started the walk with them we all got a turn in stroking the female. There was a woman from the USA with her daughters behind me shaking saying "they must be drugged up" but the lions seemed alert and Sandas and the other guides and volunteers were keep vigilant around us. They looked a lot happier to me than the ones in The Lion Park.

After having a stroke we all then headed off for a walk, and again, we each took it in turns to have our photo's taken walking next to them. I was also cheeky and asked for a picture with the male lion as I hadn't had a chance to touch him before we moved on and met the younger cubs. Theses cubs were less than six months old and incredibly cute. It's probably best to let the photo's do the talking, but needless to say I was really glad I decided to do the trip and buy the DVD that they had made of us walking with the lions. And the talk about the programme at the end helped re-assure me that this wasn't just a money making exercises. Again, it seems that the lion population has decreased by 90% in the last decade. The guides were very knowledgeable and answered a lot of the groups questions without hesitation.

After the lion encounter it was a whirl wind operation when I got back to the hotel to pack up my suitcase and shower ready for the journey to Durban. I had already missed my check out time of 10am even though I had been assured that we would be back by 9:30. One of the porters just swiped my card so I could access my room and told me he would come and get my bags when I was ready. Result!

The Victoria Falls airport was a nightmare. No air-conditioning and only four check-in desks, two for SAA, one for BA Club card holders, and one for BA economy. You can guess which one I was in and it wasn't BA Club! I saw Trevor (from the helicopter ride) and his partner in the queue and had a quick chat. They were the lucky ones that had booked with SAA. The BA flight was late but as the airport was so small we got to watch them unload and load the plane from the departures gate which to my surprise was quite a smooth operation. Once on the plan I settled into my seat next to the couple I had been in front of in the check-in queue. I was writing in my journal  when the lady leaned over and told me how nice it was to see someone actually write using pen and paper. That was it for my journal though we spent the rest of the flight chatting. It's truly amazing the people that I have met on my trip. This couple were also originally from New Zealand but the husband had got a three year contract working in Johannesburg. He had also worked in London. When you start talking to people you realise how small the world is.

I had forty five minutes to make my connecting flight and luckily my suitcase was one of the first ones off the plane. The woman at the check-in desk was a bit grumpy with me and informed me that my suitcase was over by 2kg, however, she didn't charge me for it. I made the gate with ten minutes to spare and played peek-a-boo with the little girl in front of me. The flight was a bit bumpy on the way to Durban and when we landed it was absolutely tipping it down. Sally was waiting for me at the drop off point and I have to say it was nice to finally meet her. Sally and her partner, Gavin, are friends of uncle Pete's and they were nice enough to come and let me stay. Unfortunately I won't get to meet Gavin as he is one business but Sally is absolutely lovely.

I had re-done my make up on the plane but I didn't bother changing in the end, so I just stuck my heels on when we got to The Heritage Theatre. Sally had organised a dinner and show night. I met Sally's sister Rose and her husband Lou and another couple who are also friends with Sally and Gavin. The show was fantastic. It was a live band local to the area and they were brilliant. The female singer was especially amazing. They did all sorts of different songs from Europe, The Final Countdown to P!nk, Dirt Little Freaks to Monty Python, Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life. I was thoroughly entertained. The only strange thing was that no one in the audience got up and danced!!! Sally did explain on the way home that South Africans are a bit more reserved that back home. I wish I had known that she would have got up and danced to though. It always makes me feel sorry for the people on stage if the audience don't react and get up and dance.

As I go to sleep tonight I have to reflect on what an amazing day I have had. At 7:30 I was walking with lions in Zimbabwe and twelve hours later I was in Durban watching a show. It's quite something really, and it's nice to be back in a family home again.

The best day ever!!!

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