Sunday 18 November 2012

A Girlie Day (Wednesday 14Nov12)

Sally was kind enough to book me in with her hairdresser today as I had said I was getting fed up with my awful roots. At 10am I was sat in a very posh hairdressers requesting a colour, highlights and a trim. It may sound crazy, but even on a trip of a lifetime one still worries about ones appearance! On the way there Sally and I had chatted endlessly, obviously finding out a bit about each other. She is an absolute inspiration, her and Gavin run their own pet supply company, Marltons (, and built it from scratch over 30 years ago, they now have over 350 employees. The things she has done and the places she has been is fantastic. She is also very young at heart and will always try new things. It's great being in her company.

After a few hours at the hairdressers we decided to head for the shopping mall. I did really well in resisting all the fantastic shoes I saw. Actually, that is a bit of a lie, there was a pair of boots that I would have brought if they had had them in my size. We had lunch in Woolworth's too which is effectively the M & S equivalent over here.

Tonight I have just chilled out as Sally had a prior engagement. On reflection it was nice to have a normal girlie day and a bit of a break from sight seeing and tourist stuff. I miss everyone back home but I hope that I have made some friends here and that I am able to keep in touch with them all and hopefully see them again.

My new hair do.

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