Tuesday 6 November 2012

Another Day In Paradise

So we have ended up spending another day in Kaapsehoop. I didn't quite make sunrise as Connie had suggested, but just after eight Emilene, Kate and I headed to the "escarpment". It's a view point across a deep valley near here. Unfortunately for us it was still very misty when we got there so all we saw was white. Never mind, it was a lovely walk all the same. Maybe tomorrow I will attempt to get up early, knowing me however, that might be a mission.

When we got back I left Kate and Emilene to relax while I headed back out with Connie and a couple of her friends to follow the hiking trail to the waterfall near here. It was a lovely walk and once again I was crossing rivers and climbing over slippery rocks to get to the bottom of a waterfall. We also had to walk through a bit of the pine forest which had a wonderful smell to it. I love Connie's energy, she must be in her mid fifties but she is so bubbly and up for anything. It gives me hope for when I get older, life is all about mindset I have learnt in the last couple years. You should make the most of every moment to have.

We headed back to the town just after lunch and I found Kate and Emilene at the cottage chilling out. After a nice cold sprite is was time for a bath and then Emilene and I headed out for another walk to find the horses. It didn't take long, there were a few munching on grass a street down from ours. We walked to the main road just outside town and found some more by the side of the road. Emilene caught site of what we think was a Caracal just to the right of the horses but it ran into the bushes and we couldn't make it out in time. As we were taking pictures one of the horses, a lovely chestnut coloured one, decided to walk up to us. She was so sweet and seemed to like the attention, although we got worried about how close to the road she got being near us so we decided to cross the road so that she would go back to the heard. It didn't work and she started following us. I think she thought our camera cases hand food in them because she had her nose up close to Emilene's camera lens to see what it smelt like.

After an hour with the horses we headed back to the cottage and to see if Kate had relaxed a bit. Emilene and Kate have both had a really busy time with work recently so it is nice for them to relax and have a bit of a break. I was starving and suggested an early dinner. We went to Salvador's for a pizza. I was a pig and had ham, pineapple, mushroom, and feta on mine followed by two chocolate milkshakes. My excuse I only had two rusks for breakfast. Once again as we were sitting there and eating our dinner the thunder rolled in and the lightning started to flash through the sky. You get four seasons all in one up here. It had been so hot in the morning that Emilene had burnt her shoulders.

On our way back to the cottage we popped in to see Connie and settle our bill. She insisted we had some tea and she showed us round her beautiful garden. While we were admiring the fuscia plants and the yesterday, today, tomorrow bush I caught sight of the branches of the tall trees above us moving. The next thing I knew I had four pairs of eyes looking at me. Connie had a family of monkeys in her trees. I was so excited I had to run back and get my camera. My first sighting of wild African monkeys. Yey!

I will always remember this place so fondly. The scenery, the friendliness of Connie and the horses just strolling through the town eating people's grass. It really is a magical place and I recommend Kaapsehoop to anyone. A big thank you to Emilene and Kate for bringing me here. Hopefully, one day I will be able to return the favour.

Our Morning Walk

Hadeda Ibis

We were supposed to be able to see the valley below.

Battery Creek Waterfall

Connie, our guide is the one on the right.

The View From The Cottage

Our Afternoon Walk

I so want to take her home.

Posing for the camera.

Dinner at Salvador

Tea at Connie's

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