Friday 9 November 2012

Back to Cosy Pretoria (Thursday 08Nov12)

This morning the decision was made to head back to Pretoria and leave the Highlands Meander of Mpumalanga behind us. The weather was still miserable and I think we were all fed up of being wet and cold. We decided to strop at Dullstroom along the way, however, getting there was a hell of a drive. Emilene had to drive through three hail storms to get there with balls of ice the size of boiled sweets. We headed straight for the coffee shop to warm up and had an early lunch. It had a lovely open fire and we took the rabbits in with us as they were still shaking from the noise of the hail storm. After getting warmed up we decided to have a look round some of the quaint little shops and art galleries before embarking on the last part of the drive. Poor Emilene did all the driving while we were away and she did so well considering the weather. Once we got within 100km of Pretoria the sky started to brighten up so I took a few pictures of the clouds and the sun shinning through them.

When we got back to the flat it was lovely and cosy and we warmed up with hot baths while Kate git busy with all of our washing. Bless her she has been a star and washed all my dirty clothes ready for when I move on. What amazed me was the fact that she still uses a twin tub to do the washing! Emilene got to talk to Pedro on skype as she hasn't spoken to him since she left Investec which was nice and then we watched a couple of films. The first film, was an awful and predictable American thriller starring Tori Spelling, the second one was Date Night which was quite girlie but really funny.

Stuart Little warming up after the hail storm.

Abbie all cosy.

Emilene's lunch looked amazing.

A few pictures on the way back down the N4.

We found the sun at last.

Pretoria in sight.

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