Friday 30 November 2012

Black Wednesday (Wednesday 21Nov12)

Today was an awful day. A big part of me wanted to get on a plane and come home. My credit card company had put a hold on my card for security reasons, my SA mobile stopped working and my laptop died completely. Thank god for Sally. I had an engineer round by 4pm to look at my lap top which eventually had to be re-set to factory settings as I had nothing backed up so all my documents and software downloads were lost. As long as I had the internet and Skype to contact everyone at home I didn’t care. But I have to admit that today was a very teary day and to add insult to injury it is one in the morning and I am still trying to re-install Microsoft Office and Gmail is telling me that I have reached my picture limit for my blog. Grrr! This is not a day for technology!!! The SA mobile is in the bin so it’s back to my UK mobile number and my credit card holder has lifted the hold on my card but I don’t think I will be going to sleep tonight as I have to get up to get my flight at 4am anyway.
I should be really grateful, I am having an amazing experience, but today has really tested my resolve.

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