Sunday 18 November 2012

uShaka Marine World (Friday 16Nov12)

The sun came out this morning and for the first time I could see the area where Sally lived properly. It's stunning with loads of rolling hills all around.

Sally let me borrow the Corolla so that I could take myself off to the uShaka Marine World on Durban's sea front. It houses an aquarium and water park. I did well, I only got lost once, however, I did have a Sat Nav in the car, so I could have done better.

There were lots of little shops and eateries round the aquarium so I went for a wander and ended up buying a beautiful maxi dress and I had a walk on the promenade where you could see men sculpturing figures on the beach. After an hour or so I headed into the park and looked round the aquarium which had been built around an old ship. The sea lion and dolphin shows were fantastic and I have now added swimming with dolphins to my bucket list. The clouds had started to roll in again so I took myself off to the water park and went on a few slides and rapids before heading home in the rush hour traffic.

By the time I got back Sally was back from the office and had started to prepare the chicken potjekos. Rose and Lou came over and joined us tonight and it was a really lovely evening. Again, like so many times in here the conversation got on to the problems facing South Africa. Again, it is the same concerns as all the other people I have met, the corrupt government and the crime. Sally and Gavin have a lovely house but they have a security gate with spikes on the top of it, barbed wire around the perimeter of the property, treligates on all the doors and windows, an alarm, and 24 hour security patrol. This really is a fantastic country, with amazing wildlife and countryside, unfortunately the rich and poor divide is huge, and the government is simply out to line their pockets. It's such a shame.

Durban Beach Front

uShaka Marine World

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