Saturday 10 November 2012

Victoria Falls Hotel

It's been a funny day today. Part of me was really sad to say goodbye to Emilene and Kate and the other part was really excited to be getting on a plane again and coming to Victoria Falls. I can't say I enjoy hanging around airports but once I had sorted out my internet and phone credit, had a bit of breakfast and waited forever at the security desk I was running to get to the departure gate. As I got a bit closer I realised that the plane was quite a small one (Janna understands my thing about small planes) but luckily it wasn't very busy. in fact I would say that the flight was only half full and I got chatting to a Dutch guy who has lived in Israel for the past thirty years and is the the telecommunication and marketing industry. It was good to have some to talk to for the flight and the chicken curry wasn't actually too bad.

Just over an hour later and we landed at Victoria Falls Airport, Zimbabwe. It was bedlam at the security desk as we had been given the wrong forms to complete and people were trying to decide which visa they wanted, a single or a double (meaning you could get into Zimbabwe and Zambia). anyway, I hadn't allowed for R550 for a visa so I had to go in search of some cash once I had put my backs in my room which wasn't easy as my cards wouldn't work to start with. Annoyingly, if I had been able to pay for my accommodation through Falcon, the transfer people I could have got it $60 cheaper so after a wander and asking for a couple of room rates I went back To Victoria Falls Hotel and asked if I could get some kind of discount. I ended up with a free upgrade to one of the deluxe suites though. Tomorrow I might blag a free afternoon tea if I decide to stay another night.

Although, this place is lovely and I get some free internet access use (helpful) and the staff here are really friendly. The reception guy was impressed when I asked him if he was Zulu as he pronounced him name with a click in it that I had heard Michael and Vukani use. Go me! I meet a lovely couple who were on their honeymoon, all I did was offer to take their photo for them and they were over the moon. I guess though, it's the small gestures in life that really count. They insisted of taking some of me which was a nice thank you, although I am not loving photo's of me right now. I can't wait to get my hair done on Wednesday thanks to Sally (Uncle Pete's friend) who has booked me in to her hairdressers in Durban.

Walking round the hotel I saw a family of Warthog's and I have been told when I went for dinner tonight that I should see elephants and monkey's roaming freely while I am here. I had a nice buffet dinner tonight while local tribes people danced in front of us and acted out certain parts of their history. It was really good. I also tried crocodile for the first time. It tastes like chicken mixed with fish. A couple of the staff came over to speak to me. It seems word has got around that I am here on my own. The waiter even called me by my first name, even though I had said Miss Pennock!!!

Victoria Falls Airport.

The Zimbabwe dancers outside the airport.

This is the original room that the hotel gave me.

One of The Victoria Falls Hotel's lounge areas.

The winding stairs.

The view of the hotel from the lawn.

Looking the other way, this is what you can see if you look out towards the falls from the hotel.

A better picture!

Walking up the steps to the pool.

The pool.

Turned a corner and look what I found!

A family of Warthogs!

Straight away I thought of Spike when I saw them.

Look at the babies.

A nice couple I meet from Australia took this one for me. They were on their honeymoon.

One of the immaculate gardens at the hotel.

On my walk round the town I found the local train station.

Much better. My new up-graded room.

Complete with separate shower.......

........ and bath.

The Entertainment at the Jungle Junction Buffet

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