Sunday 18 November 2012

Nails and Thai Curry (Thursday 15Nov12)

Today was another more chilled day. I was a bit lazy and didn't get up very early, however, I did spent over an hour in Sally's gym. After seeing myself in the changing room mirrors yesterday I decided action was needed. The weather was terrible so I asked if Sally she would like a pedicure and manicure on me as a way of saying thank you for having me. After a quick call to the local spa complex we had an appointment at 3:30 so Sally suggested a drive up the 1000 hills road, famous for the yearly marathon that takes place in Durban. Our first stop was the local Spa and fish mongers to get coconut milk and prawns for our thai green curry dinner. Sally teased me when we got into the Spa, there was fresh bread and cakes all over the place and I took ages deciding what to buy. In the end it was sprite, top deck chocolate and muesli that I brought. Well, I had worked out!

We struggled on the drive to see the view of the hills as it was so misty but we stopped at a few curios shops and then headed to Makaranga Spa where we took a walk round the beautiful gardens first and had a look at the makaranga trees. I got clicking with the camera before heading in for our treatments. I have to say that choosing a colour was hard work but after half an hour laying down I was nearly asleep, Sally too.

Relaxed and chilled we stopped at the pub I had spotted on the way to the spa. The pub is called The Stoked Arms and is right next to the railway line. If it had been sunny I could have sat there all evening but after one malibu and coke it was time to head home.

The thai green curry we had tonight was lovely. I even peeled the shells off the prawns (no heads mind) reasonably well. Another relaxed day.

Sally and Gavin's Tortoise

She is so cool.
Makaranga Spa

The Pub

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