Friday 30 November 2012

Sabie Sands Friday (23Nov12)

It was a 4:30 start this morning. I got picked up at 5am looking all bleary eyed so Gavin decided to poke fun at me. The two German ladies who were also staying at the lodge were quite awake, but then I guess they have been here four days already and have got used to the early starts. We just had time for a cup of coffee or tea and a rusk at the camp before heading out on the land rover to Sabie Sands Game reserve with Jacqui the other game ranger and another reddy faced South African guy. This guy was walking around with a shot gun on his shoulder, a precaution measure as it was our bush walk morning. As the reserve has predators like lion they must have an armed guard with us but thankfully the gun wasn't needed. Apart from rhino there wasn't that much to see. I think all the animals were still sleeping and I don't blame them. We learnt about the different vegetation and the Marula tree which is famous because the fruit that it grows is used to make the Amarula liquor.

After the walk it was back to the lodge for the two German ladies, Sonia and her partner, and me. Debbie did say she would be running a bit late and wouldn't pick us up until about at least 2:30. I was glad as I thought I might have a sleep but that never happened. Debbie ended up coming back for us nearer 4pm as her trip to town had taken her longer. At least I got to sunbathe for a little bit.

This evenings game drive was a lot more successful than this mornings bush walk. Debbie took us to a clearing where we saw Elephant, Giraffe and Warthog all together. The Red-Billed Oxpecker's were all over the giraffe.We then carried on to the river side and found Elephant and Hippo coming out of the water. I also got some pictures of some lovely birds. In another section we came across Impala, Zebra and Waterbuck before having our sun downer drinks.We then found a herd of old Buffalo bulls who had been kicked out of their herd. But I have to say that the best part about the drive though was the fact that I was allowed to sit on the trackers seat on the bonnet.

Back at camp tonight we had a traditional Afrikaans dinner of chicken in a cream sauce with creamed veggies. We then had a home made chocolate pudding for dessert. The food here is stunning. I met Vangie, Gavin's wife, and their two sons Tyron and Donovan. They all seemed really nice. Luckily fr me we were a bit earlier back to the lodge tonight.

Sabie Sands Bush Walk



Marula tree.

Pretty Flower.


More Rhino.

Sabie River Bush Lodge

Southern Tree Agama.

The view from my room to the Sabie River.

Afternoon/Evening Game Drive - Sabie Sands

Lilac Breasted Roller



Love this picture.

That's the Red Billed Oxpecker.

Burchell's Coucal (Rain Bird).




Dwarf Mongoose.

Can't remember this birds name.




Black Bellied Corhaan.

The Black-Backed Puffback.


Blue Wildebeest.

First Game Drive in Sabie Sands (Thursday 22Nov12)

I am so tired today as I didn't sleep last night with all my lap top issues. I have to say a massive thank you for all that Sally did for me in the week that I was with her. She was a star and even dropped me off at the airport. I was on the 06:30 British Airways flight from Durban to Johannesburg which was full of business people and the scheduled flight ran like clockwork. I have to say I git a few funny looks with my ruck sack and walking boots on. I fell asleep even before the hostess had come round with breakfast so the nice lady next to me gave me a little nudge.

I was met at Johannesburg airport by Mark, one of Tydon Safari's representatives. We then drove to a B&B to pick up Caroline and Michael, a lovely couple from Cambridge. Michael is a retired lecturer and has been doing research down in Stellenbosch for the last five weeks. They both decided to do a trip to Kruger before flying home. Caroline was telling me that she had recently purchased a new MAC and was having lessons so that she could use it efficiently. This was quite an impressive story for me as my Grandma Thomas wouldn't even know what a MAC was, let alone use one!!! Anyway I tried to keep up conversation but I dozed off every so often even though I had a Mugg and Bean mocha at the Alzu service station along the way.

We stopped for lunch in Sabie at a lovely little place called The Wild Fig Tree where I had a chocolate milkshake and a hawaiian pizza. I thought all the sugar would help but I still fell asleep again when we got back in the car. I had to drop my stuff off at my accommodation, Sabie River Lodge based in Hazyview, before we got to Tydon Safari Camp. I booked last minute so I have two days in the river lodge before staying at the camp as there is no room for me till then.

Gavin, the owner of Tydon, met all three of us when we arrived. We had a quick drink before starting our first evening game drive in Sabie Sands Private Reserve. There were five other American guests on the game drive with us. Michael, one of the Americans is quite funny and definitely the loud one of the group and I ended up sitting with him and the other guy on the back seat of the land rover. It turned out to be quite an interesting seat as we got charged by an unhappy matriarch elephant from the back. The small herd of elephants had a baby in the group and I think we got a bit close for the female leader's liking. I was the only one still trying to take pictures while everyone else was crouched down. Debbie, our game rancher admitted at our sun downer drinks that she stalled the land rover.

Dinner at the camp was amazing. We got back from our drive and we all sat round a fire whilst Gavin told a few stories and explained what our dinner was. Tonight we had potjiekos and it was superb although I have to say I was desperate to get back so that I could get to sleep. Gavin took the mickey out of me for nursing my vodka and sprite all night. I've come back to find a few dead bugs on my bed covers. I did get carried away with the "Peaceful Sleep" insect repellent earlier.

The grumpy matriarch elephant coming towards us.

A steenbok.

Baby rhino. How cute is he!

A view of Sabie Sands Game Reserve.

Another view.

More rhino.


The Grey "Go Away" bird. I love this picture.

This hyena walked past us while me were having our sun down drinks.