Saturday 8 December 2012

The Day Before (Friday 07Dec12)

I was up early this morning so that I could finally introduce myself to Anne-Marie as I was late in last night and she didn’t fly back in until 7pm. It was lovely to finally meet her. I was also supposed to be going horse riding on the beach this morning at Noordhoek but as I drove round the mountain range the clouds swept in with the rain. I thought I’d carry on to the farm in case it cleared up along the way but it didn’t so I turned round and took the scenic route back through Fish Hoek. I tackled the Cape Town traffic for a while but decided not to park up and look round the Greenmarket Square today.
I moved into La Splendida Apartments today. It is nice and clean but I’m a bit worried I haven’t made the best choice in the world. I just tried to have a bath and the tap water came out yellow. Slightly worrying! Anyway at least it is a good location, and I have to admit it is nice to unpack my suitcase and put things in a wardrobe again. Although right now nothing competes with the thought of home. I could be in six class luxury and I would still want to click my heels and go home. It’s been a long time travelling! Thank god Pedro is turning up tomorrow.
I spent most of this afternoon wandering round the V & A Waterfront and listening to the local bands play on the street. It was great to hear proper African music. I had a look at the curios market and couldn’t believe the price of some of the items. Things like ostrich eggs and wooden salad spoons and folks are double the price here than what I have paid for them in Natal. Just shows you how much they are prepared to rip off tourists. I stopped at the Greek Fisherman restaurant and had some over-priced Kingklip. I have to admit as lovely as the V & A Waterfront is I can’t get over the prices. I have been used to paying a lot less for things near the bush. It’s slightly crazy, but I guess every city is the same. People will cash in where they can.

I think that is Simon's Town!

The table cloth over Table Mountain.

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