Saturday 8 December 2012

Storms River Village (Friday 30Nov12)

It was a bit over-cast this morning so I decided not to go back to Addo but have an easy morning. Breakfast was lovely; Etta and Derek had made fresh bread which was still warm when I buttered it. There was cereal, natural yogurt, fruit and a full English breakfast on offer. I chatted to the other guests, in particular a family from France. The parents had come over to visit their daughter who was on a work placement in Cape Town. Derek was still excited by what we had seen yesterday morning and told me that I should come and stay more often. I was sad to leave but I had to start making my way towards Cape Town.
I worked my way along the N2 and stopped at Jeffery’s Bay for a drink and a quick walk along the beach which was full of end of year matric students, a few surfing. I decided to leave and carry on to Tsitsikama and Storms River on Etta’s recommendation. I am really glad I did. I am currently in a lovely room in another nice B&B called “At the Woods”. I choose it because of the cat and dog sitting outside.
After such a large breakfast this morning I did think I would skip dinner but on my drive round the village I noticed a very cool 60’s rock n’ roll themed restaurant so after checking in I took a walk down to check it out. They have two American Cadillac’s and a couple of motorbikes on display as well as Elvis Priestly and Marilyn Monroe memorabilia all over the walls. I ended up having a Blue Hawaiian cocktail, kudu steak and chips and a banana split. It was all very nice. Not sure my hips liked it though!
On my return to the guest house Tinger, the cat, was sitting on the step so I made a fuss of him and after about five minutes he curled up on my lap while I rubbed his ears and stroked his back. I think we sat there tonight for about half an hour. It made me realise how much I miss Honey.

Dolphin Beach, Jeffrey's Bay.

Storms River

Storms River Village

The Guest House.

Tinger and the dog.

The 60's Rock n' Roll themed restaurant.

This one is for Cathy. Look what I found on the juke box!

My huge banana split.

Tinger asleep on my lap.

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