Saturday 8 December 2012

A Lazy Day (Thursday 06Dec12)

Today I managed a lay in before taking myself for a walk along the promenade which was lovely with the sun shining down on the sea. I discovered a set of public swimming pools up the other end, more towards Sea Point. It was nice to see all the kids laughing and playing in the pool. There were a few sun bathers and a few people were having diving lessons.
Once I got back and showered I booked accommodation for me and Pedro, which is just down the road from Andreas and Anne-Marie’s place. I really like this area as you are quite central to everything and I like the fact that I can walk to the Waterfront like I did this afternoon and mooch about the shops or grab a coffee for a bit.
Tonight I met Sally and Gavin for dinner at the Grand West, a casino complex and hotel on the outskirts of the city. It was great to finally meet Gavin and so lovely to see Sally again. We had a drink in the pub and then went for an Indian, it was almost like a proper English night out apart from the fact that we weren’t really drunk and we had a civilised coffee afterwards. I have met some fantastic people here. I just hope I get to stay in touch with everyone.

Cape Town Sea Front.

The Grand Hotel at Grand West Casino

Eating out curry. Me Sally and Gavin.

Sally and I outside the hotel before saying our last goodbyes for a while.

Sally and Gavin.

Just while I can, once again, a huge thank you to Sally and Gavin for all that they have done for me out here. Really going to miss you Sally.
The same also goes for Emilene and Kate who also became part of my family.
Hopefully I will see you all again soon.

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