Sunday 2 December 2012

Last Day On Safari (Monday 26Nov12)

I got chased up this morning by Jacqui. I hadn’t overslept, I was sorting out my washing which Bongi (the cleaning lady) did for me today. I just managed to down a cup of tea and a biscuit before I left with Jacqui and the other guests to go to Kruger.
We saw a lot of buffalo first thing but it was still very cold and over-cast so a lot of the animals were in hiding. I can’t really blame them. So cold the Brian (the American) had a blanket wrapped round him. It was chilly driving around. Anyway we saw more Elephants, Impala, Tortoises and a Woodland Kingfisher. And I managed to spend more money in the gift shop at Skukuza. While I was at the Skukuza camp I took a walk down to the river, sure enough a family of hippo was chilling out in the Sabie River. They make an amazing noise; I will never forget that sound.
We headed back to the camp for our breakfast at about ten and after chatting to Aline and Fernando for a bit I headed off to change into my bikini again and lay by the pool until lunchtime. Once again, if the head got too much I would just dip my toes in the pool. I have to admit I am enjoying the routine of this safari and the sunbathing time I’m getting.
I went out on my last safari tonight in Kruger Park. Both Brian and I were desperate to see lions but we never saw any. We had a toilet break at Skukuza again and this time more of the group walked down to the river where the hippo’s still were. More exciting than that Giraffe came down to the river to drink. One of the funniest things we saw was a female Baboon grooming a male. Every time she got a bit close to bits he would get an erection. What made it funnier is that he was spread eagle on the floor.
We had another braai tonight and everyone seemed much more relaxed and more talkative. Jackie helped me with the names of some of the birds I had photographed. I’m really going to miss it here.



How Cute!

Woodland King Fisher.


Can't remember the name of this tree but I like it.

Kruger from one of the view points.




Nyala male.

Nyala female.

White-Breasted Cormorant.

Grey Heron.

Great White Egret.

Cool pic!

White Stripped Skink who seems to have lost the end of his tail.

Giraffe making their way to the river.

So pleased I go a picture of this.

The Hippo family again.

Fernando, Aline and me in the truck.

Baboons grooming.

We couldn't stop laughing at this. Childish I know.

Completely not bothered that we are watching him.


Another beautiful sunset.

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