Sunday 2 December 2012

Home Again – Well Pretoria Home (Tuesday 27Nov12)

So today I left Tydon Safari camp which was quite sad because I really enjoyed myself there. I will miss my new found friends and all the animals. Jackie drove me and the newly wed Indian couple back to Johannesburg. The idea was to stop off on route at The Pinnacle, Gods Window and Lisbon Falls along the Panorama Route. The only one we could actually see was the falls as everything else was once again covered in mist. I didn’t even bother getting out of the car.
I once again fell asleep in the car, so at Alzu service station I grabbed a coffee and some chocolate for Jacqui and me to keep us going. After dropping the couple off at the airport Jacqui took me all the way to Sandton, to the Investec building. I had arranged with Vina to pop in and say hi to everyone. Vina looked lovely in a 1940’s style black prom dress and sandals which made me look a bit of a state in comparison. The Investec building in Johannesburg is huge, but as always the security and reception staff were really friendly. It was nice to put faces to names when Vina took me round the UK office and I got to phone the boys and Nat back in London.
After hanging out in the office for a bit Vina dropped me at the Sandton Gautrain station where I was met by Emilene. It was lovely to see her again, and we caught up on the train ride back to Pretoria. I have to say the Gautrain was lovely and clean and really efficient. When we got back Kate had already made us dinner. We had our steak and salad but all of us were so shattered that after a brief chat we all headed for bed.

Lisbon Falls

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