Monday 3 December 2012

Sand Dunes (Wednesday 28Nov12)

Today has been a long day; I was up at five after a good night’s sleep in Kate’s bed. I had some rusks and a cup of coffee before saying goodbye to Kate for the last time and got the Gautrain to the airport with Emilene. After a few enquiries about car hire at Port Elizabeth I headed for my departure gate.
On arrival at Port Elizabeth I picked up my Ford Figo from Avis and headed off in search of Dungbeetle River Lodge. Without internet access it was hard remember the direction Etta had given me so I headed towards Addo village and on the way text Emilene to look the contact details up for me. As I approached Cannonville turnoff I saw Colchester on the sign post. Cannonville is the village next to Colchester village. It made me smile. I was late for my boat cruise by the time I eventually got to the lodge although Derek (Etta’s husband) told me that the skipper, Dennis, would come back for me when he came back down the river again. I didn’t have long to freshen up but I made it.
Dennis was quite a character. He told me that I had been worth waiting for. It’s not so bad when a retired person says something like that. It normally makes me chuckle. The Swiss couple also staying at the Dungbeetle was on the boat and once again they started chatting away to me. They have come to South Africa on holiday for the last fifteen years. The Swiss really like SA! The boat trip took us past Colchester and towards the sea and the sand dunes. Dennis drove the boat onto the bank so that we could walk around on them. I took my pumps off and with the others started to climb. I did an extra ridge to the others and at one point my leg sunk into the sand up to my knee. It was absolutely beautiful. On the way back we saw more jumping fish and a few people fishing off of their boats.
Back at the lodge I realised why my internet hadn’t been working. I had used up all my internet credit so I decided to go in search of an MTN shop. Etta told me there was a shopping mall in Port Elizabeth but the one she directed me to was more of a shopping village like Freeport. I ended up going back to the airport and buying a Vodacom dongle and bundle. It was worth it to speak to everyone back home. I have to say though, driving through Port Elizabeth’s beach front reminded me of Great Yarmouth.

Look! Colchester. I'm so nearly home!

Bungbettle Lodge.

The Eagle Suite. My room.
The Sand Dunes River Boat Cruise

My boat ride approching.


The Dunes.

Where the river meets the sea.

The Board Walk Shopping Mall, Port Elizabeth

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