Sunday 23 September 2012

Today was our day of rest. Boy was I grateful for it too. I woke up at 10:30 SA time after going to bed at about quarter to one. So much for the early night and making sure I was the first pesron to wish Tim a happy birthday! While Nic and Leanne helped Liam with the veggie patch me and Christina lazed about. I skyped Tim and Mum and then we all got ready for our trip out with Liam and Rachel to visit their friends Sorel and Monet. After the awful pictures of me from the last few days I decided make-up was in order and something to keep my hair in place whilst on the truck would be a good idea. Christina came up with the idea of using scarves as bandana's which worked although we didn't need them in the end as we went in the other car. We drove out towards the Drakensburg mountains for about half an hour, turned off the road to a beautiful little small holding where we were greeted by chickens, peacocks, geese, ducks, cats and dogs. Monet came out to meet us and we had a look around all the fruit trees and vegetable rows. It was amazing. The dogs looked like some kind of terrier, they were so cute and reminded me of Jess. Sorel came out to meet us and ushered us inside. the house was fantastic, very rustic and is Sorel's family home. It sounded like they were doing a lot of work on it but it was fantastic, lots of African figurines and a proper colonial tea set. Monet had made us fresh lemonade which was amazing (the girls and I might try that one) then we went out for a walk where Sorel took us to their favourite picnic spot. A natural spring which was beautiful. Sorel's little girl Augustine came with us. At the age of 1 year and nine months she was running around bare feet and not scared of anything. A proper bush baby. She was lovely. When we got back we had afternoon tea, Monet had made us the South African version of scones which we had with butter and Sorel's nan's homemade jam. It was all amazing and little Augustine was picking her way through the biscuits and then putting them back down again. Had a really lovely day today. The hospitality round here is fantastic. Everyone is so friendly.

Christina and me as Pirates (actually it was to keep our hair in place).

Nicole and Christina.

Leanne, Christina and Nicole with the Blue Agave Plant (used to make tequila).

Us girls together at the spring.

Augustine chillin'

Proper little bush baby.

The Spring.

Rachel and Augustine.

Sorel, Monet, Rachel, Augustine and Liam.


Us and the locust.
 Leanne and Nicole trying to hold a fossillised tree.

What a sunset.

One of Sorel and Monet's peacocks.

The little terrier dogs.

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