Saturday 22 September 2012

So today was our first day off. However, we were still up and out by nine so that we could collect firewood for our evening braai. We got to use a machete to hack away at the branches which was fun. However, I have two blisters on my hand, which means I need to toughen up (or as Josh would say MTFU)! On the way back from our firewood collecting we came across a mother rhino and her calf which was typical as I didn't have my camera.

After a bit of a chil we then went into Colenso with Liam and Rachel to get our meat for the Braai and a few luxury items like chocolate. Over here you can by coke in a 1.5l glass bottle and it costs less than a £1. You can also take the glass bottle back to the shop and get it recycled and you get 50cents back.

Then we got back, had some lunch and we went for a walk, just us four girls. We got about 5 meters away from a giraffe and about 20 meters away from a herd of Zebra. Amazingly the giraffe started to come closer to us as we pretended to eat the acacia tree. It was fab.

Then it was braai time with Liam and Rachel which was fantastic. We made up the fire pit and then Liam used the burnt firewood to make coals for the braai (bbq). The noises of the frogs and the jackal calls were our background music. Then Michael, the head game keeper, came to tell us the the rhino were at the back of the house. We managed to get about 15 meters away from them which was incredible. Spike nearly blew our cover though bless him. Then we ate our Kudu steaks and Ostrich burgers. The kudo steak was amazing, the ostrich burgers.......well.... they were different. Liam also passed the girls conversation about the difference between men and women, poor guy.

Once again, another lovely day. Beginning to get more settled now.

Sitting round the fire pit.

Check out the flames.

Spike chillin' with us.

I want one of these at home!

I like this picture, might have it blown up when I get home.

Here are the rhino. Check out Spike in the foreground.

Us around the braai.

Turning the ostrich burgers.

And the Kudu steaks which were amazing.

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