Saturday 29 September 2012

A Poo Day

So today we collected jackal poo and studied it under the microsope. Ashamed to say I found it all quite interesting!. We also started to work on our presentation for the school pupils. It was also quite nice to spend the day with Carolynn.

However, I did have some sad news late last night which has made me a bit reflective today.

Spike got a bit boisterous today, and butted Fiona, our house made, and cut her leg. I would say he is in the dog house but he's a warthog so I won't.

We also went to the local bar tonight. It reminded me of thr Con Club in Kelvedon. Cheap drink and full of old men. Probably going to give the next visit a miss. However, I did win at pool, so not all bad. Although, I think Nic and Chris will have sore heads tomorrow.

Pirate Butterfly.

Nic with some poo samples.

Leanne with her poo samples.

Waterbuck from behind look like a walking traget!

A South African millipede.

Christina, Nicole and Leanne at "the club".
Check out Leanne's footwear. This time the zebra got the leopard!

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