Wednesday 19 September 2012

So finally after thirty one hours of travelling I arrived at UmPhafa. Managed to get a bit of sleep on the plane to Joburg, but the wait at the airport for the other girls was a long afternoon. However, Chris, Leanne and Nic are all lovely, and all Essex girls so that always good. Obviously feeling a bit home sick right now and would love to be cuddled up on the sofa with Tim and Honey but hope I'll settle in. The noises are amazing and we have all had to make friends with Fernando the spider who lives in shower. Yeah, not your average harvest spider!!! The best bit was driving up to the park and coming across a herd of Zebra by the road. Fab! Tired now, night night all.


  1. Hope you are having fun. Are you sure the spider dosen't bit?!
    Missing you lots speak to you soon.

    Callum (your brother!!)

  2. Missing you too little bro. Hope the skype helped. xx
