Thursday 27 September 2012

The Come Down

So after yesterday's excitement and total wow factor today was a bit of a come down. After yesterday it took me a long time to get to sleep. I was then awake at sunrise and to hear South Africa wake up. I was too tired to get out of bed and go and watch.

So today we did pitfull trapping! This involved putting 16 cups into the ground in a grid to trap ants to help with the aardvark survey that the reserve is currently working on. At the bottom of the cup we put glycerin, this would kill the ants but not any other mamals.

We got back about ten, made our packed lunches, loaded up with water and trekked across the reserve. It felt like such a long walk!!! Our afternnon was spent chopping down bramble bushes which are alien to SA but introduced by the English. I was way too tired for heavy manual work. However, watching Vukani was amazing. You can tell he has spent all his time on the land and he knows how to use a machete, and for such a small guy he is so strong! He also has a really gentle nature about him. At the age of 5 he was a cattle herder. How different our lives are. I can't believe he got beaten up by the police a few weeks back.

Anyway, bit of a non eventful day, and no pictures taken today. I think I overloaded yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Well I guess it had to happen sooner or later- though I am sure once you've had your rest and you come across your next bunch of wild animals it will all change and the excitement will begin all over again!!!but the adventure continues!! Still loving the pictures and blogs!!
