Sunday 30 September 2012

Horse Riding Through the Drakensberg

Second weekend in South Africa. Yesterday we took a trip to the doctors because we had to get Christina a tetanus jab. Spike got a bit boisterous again, naughty Spike. He might end up on the braai at this rate. It was also the day after the night before, so there were a few sore heads. The doctors surgery was literally the doctors house, and it was strange seeing a sign on the door that said "This is a cash only practise".

Today was the fun day, we went horse riding in the Drakensberg Mountains and it was amazing. We got to canter which is something I have never done on a horse before and it was fab. It was only £15 for two hours too. The weather was beautiful and made the mountains look even more spectacular. My horse was called Chief and he was great, although he was keen to eat and drink a lot bless him, and I got the hang of the reins for the first time ever. I have a bit of a sore bum, but it was well worth it and I really want to do it again. Carolynn (our volunteer co-ordinator) was telling me that down in Cape Town there is a place where you can go horse riding on the beach. Going to have to add that to my list.

Anyway thank you to the people at uShaka Horse trails, I had a great day. If anyone goes to the Drakensberg in this part of the region look them up.

On the way back we stopped at a little shopping village made up of mud huts and there were loads of little craft places. Mum could have been there for hours! I could have spent so much on jewellery, but I was good and only brought one pair of earrings. We then had dinner at a lovely restaurant and we all had milkshakes, apart from Leanne. For about £13 I had a milkshake, a main, a soft drink and a pudding! I wish I could eat out like that back home.

Our first view of the mountains.

You wouldn't think you were in Africa.
Saddling Up. This turns out to be my horse.

The scenery was absolutely stunning.

Breath taking even.

I now fancy one of those holiday's where you can be a cowboy on a ranch in the states for a week.

I did say "wow" quite a few times.

The camera doesn't do this justice.

Nicole with Zoro.

Me with Chief.

Christina with Cleo.

Leanne with Firefly.

This was our guide. No riding hat for him.

Me and Chief again.

I missed the boat, but they do water sports on the lake.

Christina and Cleo again.

Me and Chief back at the ranch. I might have to get some lessons when I get back to the UK.

Leanne and Firefly.

Saturday 29 September 2012

A Poo Day

So today we collected jackal poo and studied it under the microsope. Ashamed to say I found it all quite interesting!. We also started to work on our presentation for the school pupils. It was also quite nice to spend the day with Carolynn.

However, I did have some sad news late last night which has made me a bit reflective today.

Spike got a bit boisterous today, and butted Fiona, our house made, and cut her leg. I would say he is in the dog house but he's a warthog so I won't.

We also went to the local bar tonight. It reminded me of thr Con Club in Kelvedon. Cheap drink and full of old men. Probably going to give the next visit a miss. However, I did win at pool, so not all bad. Although, I think Nic and Chris will have sore heads tomorrow.

Pirate Butterfly.

Nic with some poo samples.

Leanne with her poo samples.

Waterbuck from behind look like a walking traget!

A South African millipede.

Christina, Nicole and Leanne at "the club".
Check out Leanne's footwear. This time the zebra got the leopard!

Thursday 27 September 2012

The Come Down

So after yesterday's excitement and total wow factor today was a bit of a come down. After yesterday it took me a long time to get to sleep. I was then awake at sunrise and to hear South Africa wake up. I was too tired to get out of bed and go and watch.

So today we did pitfull trapping! This involved putting 16 cups into the ground in a grid to trap ants to help with the aardvark survey that the reserve is currently working on. At the bottom of the cup we put glycerin, this would kill the ants but not any other mamals.

We got back about ten, made our packed lunches, loaded up with water and trekked across the reserve. It felt like such a long walk!!! Our afternnon was spent chopping down bramble bushes which are alien to SA but introduced by the English. I was way too tired for heavy manual work. However, watching Vukani was amazing. You can tell he has spent all his time on the land and he knows how to use a machete, and for such a small guy he is so strong! He also has a really gentle nature about him. At the age of 5 he was a cattle herder. How different our lives are. I can't believe he got beaten up by the police a few weeks back.

Anyway, bit of a non eventful day, and no pictures taken today. I think I overloaded yesterday.

Dreams Can Come True

So today was a dream come true!

This morning we got up and tracked one of the Rhino mum's and her calf on the reserve. We got within 7 meters of them for a good hour until she caught wind of us for the third time and decided enough was enough. I have to say though, they don't do much! Spike was in a playful mood and I think most of us got butted this morning. We bumped into some of the giraffe on the way back to the house. So the morning, was kind of ordinary, in an UmPhafa kind of a way.

However, this afternoon was amazing, fantastic, wonderful and all that goes with it. I held a meerkat, played with a wild cat and servals kittens, stroked a six month old leopard and had a cheetah cub on my lap. Not to mention getting meters away from lions, elephant, and a hippo. I'm sorry to say that I did not get a picture of the hippo as we saw him crossing the road as we were leaving the game reserve Nambiti and it was too dark. We also watched the meerkat play with the resident puppy which was fun. All in all, one of the best days of my life. A dream fulfilled, I was able to play with not one but six cheetah cubs!!!

Oh, and greeting us when we got back to the house was the resident bull rhino just to top it all off!!!!!

Rhino tracking!

UmPhafa giraffe.

At Springbok lodge, Nambiti Game Reserve.

Zulu the Meerkat.

A Wild Cat Kitten.

I fell in love with these.

Nic with a Serval.

Me with a Serval.

Look at it's ears, just like eyes.

Wild Cat and Serval playing.

So pretty.

But these stole my heart.

The leopard.

A life long dream come true.

Me playing chase with the cheetah cubs.

Cheetah lady with one on my lap. And boy was she purring!

I couldn't stop grinning.

A Caracal.

Check out the fighing match.

Zulu is going for it. However, the pub won in the end and Zulu went and hid under the chair.

My first lion sighting.


Check out those teeth.


"Which way boys?"

"I say this way."

"What you looking at?"

My first elephant sighting.

This is the female leader, now she was quite big, but not interested in us.

To finish, a beautiful sunset.