Saturday 8 December 2012

The Day Before (Friday 07Dec12)

I was up early this morning so that I could finally introduce myself to Anne-Marie as I was late in last night and she didn’t fly back in until 7pm. It was lovely to finally meet her. I was also supposed to be going horse riding on the beach this morning at Noordhoek but as I drove round the mountain range the clouds swept in with the rain. I thought I’d carry on to the farm in case it cleared up along the way but it didn’t so I turned round and took the scenic route back through Fish Hoek. I tackled the Cape Town traffic for a while but decided not to park up and look round the Greenmarket Square today.
I moved into La Splendida Apartments today. It is nice and clean but I’m a bit worried I haven’t made the best choice in the world. I just tried to have a bath and the tap water came out yellow. Slightly worrying! Anyway at least it is a good location, and I have to admit it is nice to unpack my suitcase and put things in a wardrobe again. Although right now nothing competes with the thought of home. I could be in six class luxury and I would still want to click my heels and go home. It’s been a long time travelling! Thank god Pedro is turning up tomorrow.
I spent most of this afternoon wandering round the V & A Waterfront and listening to the local bands play on the street. It was great to hear proper African music. I had a look at the curios market and couldn’t believe the price of some of the items. Things like ostrich eggs and wooden salad spoons and folks are double the price here than what I have paid for them in Natal. Just shows you how much they are prepared to rip off tourists. I stopped at the Greek Fisherman restaurant and had some over-priced Kingklip. I have to admit as lovely as the V & A Waterfront is I can’t get over the prices. I have been used to paying a lot less for things near the bush. It’s slightly crazy, but I guess every city is the same. People will cash in where they can.

I think that is Simon's Town!

The table cloth over Table Mountain.

A Lazy Day (Thursday 06Dec12)

Today I managed a lay in before taking myself for a walk along the promenade which was lovely with the sun shining down on the sea. I discovered a set of public swimming pools up the other end, more towards Sea Point. It was nice to see all the kids laughing and playing in the pool. There were a few sun bathers and a few people were having diving lessons.
Once I got back and showered I booked accommodation for me and Pedro, which is just down the road from Andreas and Anne-Marie’s place. I really like this area as you are quite central to everything and I like the fact that I can walk to the Waterfront like I did this afternoon and mooch about the shops or grab a coffee for a bit.
Tonight I met Sally and Gavin for dinner at the Grand West, a casino complex and hotel on the outskirts of the city. It was great to finally meet Gavin and so lovely to see Sally again. We had a drink in the pub and then went for an Indian, it was almost like a proper English night out apart from the fact that we weren’t really drunk and we had a civilised coffee afterwards. I have met some fantastic people here. I just hope I get to stay in touch with everyone.

Cape Town Sea Front.

The Grand Hotel at Grand West Casino

Eating out curry. Me Sally and Gavin.

Sally and I outside the hotel before saying our last goodbyes for a while.

Sally and Gavin.

Just while I can, once again, a huge thank you to Sally and Gavin for all that they have done for me out here. Really going to miss you Sally.
The same also goes for Emilene and Kate who also became part of my family.
Hopefully I will see you all again soon.

Chapman’s Peak (Wednesday 05Dec12)

Today Andreas took me out to Chapman’s Peak and the coast. We went past Clifton Bay, Camps Bay, Hout Bay and through to Noordhoek where we stopped and we had brunch. It’s lovely and sunny here so getting out and about is a lot nicer. We got back just before lunch and I then had a phone call from Uncle Pete’s cousin, Sinclair. He picked me up and we went back to his house so that I could meet Anike, his wife. They were both really lovely and it worked out well because Andreas had a few errands to run.
At around two Sinclair dropped me off and I decided to take a drive back to Camps Bay for a walk around and a bit of a sleep on the beach only it was too windy and as soon as I laid down on the beach I had a woman come over asking for money for the orphaned children. After a few months of these stories I’ve found that I get less and less compassionate which is really bad, but I am fed up of being hassled for money.
Tonight I met Aline and Fernando (the lovely Brazilian couple I met on Safari) for dinner. It is their last night in Cape Town, they head home tomorrow. They had booked a table at Myoga, a lovely restaurant run by Award-winning chef Mike Bassett. We all had the seven course taster menu and it was divine. I am very much going to miss the food here. The cost was R375 (£27) which is nothing compared to what you would pay back home. I loved the lemon and coconut sorbet and the duck samosa. The risotto was superb. It was so good to see them both again and we compared notes on the Garden Route and Cape Town. I really hope I see them again. They are such lovely people.


Seal Island.

A Friendly Face (Tuesday 04Dec12)

This morning I left an over-cast Mossel Bay and made my way to Cape Town stopping off at the “Whale Coast" along Kleinbaai, Gansbaai and Hermanus. I found an amazing road towards Kleinbaai that look me right along the shore. I think it’s meant more for 4x4’s but my little Ford Figo managed it just. I had a bite to eat in Hermanus which I have to say is a lovely little seaside town and then watched a couple of whales just off the point.
At about half four I headed towards Cape Town to meet Andreas, my old work colleague. Andreas and his wife, Anne-Marie, have now moved back to Cape Town after living in London for just over five years. It was so nice to see a familiar face and he very kindly offered me a bed to sleep in as I didn’t have anything sorted out. They have a lovely flat on Mouille Point with a view of the seafront. It was nice to be able to talk to someone who has also travelled too and understand the highs and the lows. Anne-Marie is in Johannesburg until Thursday but I am really looking forward to meeting her. Andreas took me to the V & A Waterfront for something to eat and then we went for a drive so that I could get my bearings. Cape Town is very pretty with Table Mountain as a back drop.

A whale! Yey!

Oudtshoorn (Monday 03Dec12)

Oh my word! What a day! I was up at 7am without an alarm. I packed up the car again, had breakfast and headed towards the Cango Caves. I had a lot to fit in today and I am pleased to report that I got it all done. It also helped that it was a lovely sunny day again.
My first stop on route was the Cango Ostrich Farm where I did a tour of the farm with three Johannesburg lads and a group of Kiwi guys. We had a talk on what the ostriches were farmed for, the history of Oudtshoorn and the farming process. I didn’t realise that so much of the bird was used. Not only are the feathers and the meat, but the eggs and the skin which is used to make very expensive leather. We were all allowed to hold an egg which I have to admit was heavy and then we were allowed to have a look at the new hatchlings in the incubators. They were so cute. It was only after having an omelet that morning made of ostrich egg did I discover just how high in cholesterol they are which makes no sense as the meat is really low in fat. Our guide allowed a couple of the guys to touch one of the tamer birds. One of the boys got a surprise when the guide got the ostrich to plant a kiss on his face. It did make me giggle. We when walked round a few of the pens until we got to the riding pen. Four of us were allowed to ride an ostrich as long as we were under eleven stone. It was only me and one of the Kiwi lads that volunteered. I lasted all of about 10 seconds before I fell off but it was fun. We were then allowed to feed them. Our guide made me put a jacket on, gave me a big tub of pellets to hold against my chest, and then backed me against the ostrich pen. She called it an ostrich massage, I had beaks and necks all around me, and I couldn’t see a thing. It was well worth a visit.
It was then on to Cango Caves where I bumped into the Johannesburg lads again. They had also signed up to do the Adventure Tour. I have to admit when our guide starting to explain what we would have to go through, like “Devils Chimney” and “The Coffin” I was beginning to wish I had chosen the easy tour. However, it wasn’t as bad as he made out. The only thing that did surprise me was how hot it got down there. The whole group was sweating and our clothes were wet from perspiration and the water from the rocks as we slid through certain parts of the tunnel. The first two big chambers were really impressive with all the rock formations, stalagmites and stalactites. The chambers were so big that they used to hold concerts in them.
My next adventure was at Cango Wildlife Range where I had promised myself to give crocodile cage diving a go. I paid my entry fee at the gate and then headed straight for the crocodile pen. I was a lot more worried about breathing underwater and the goggles than what I was about the crocs but once I the first one slipped into the water I must admit I was a bit scared. There was a shout from above to look to my left. I had all three crocodiles round the cage. They look big when you look at them from the top of the water but when you look at them from underneath you really get to see how big they really are. Those teeth and claws! I’m so glad I didn’t do the guided tour until after I had done my dive as I learnt the true power of a crocodiles jaw. I didn’t hang around for all of the tour as it was back to seeing animals in cages. After what I have seen in the last few months I didn’t really want to see cats locked up in pens so I collected my diving photos and left.
On my way here to Mossel Bay I stopped at the Klein Karoo Ostrich feather factory shop where I brought myself an ostrich feather bolero. The ride to Mossel Bay wasn’t too long and I have booked into a Guest House called Bar-T-Nique for the night. I had a tried Kingklip tonight which is a white fish. It was really nice. I’m so tired after today’s events though.

Cango Ostrich Farm

So cute!

Me ready with my overalls on.

Holding on for dear life.

Just before I fell off.

My massage!

These are real ostrich eggs I am standing on.

Cango Caves

Cango Wildlife Ranch

The view I had from my cage.

Huge creatures!


Red River Hog.


More crocodiles.

Funny looking stork.

Just as well they are fed!

This lady must love her job.




White Lion.

Mossel Bay